My name is Ran Keren, graphic designer and lettering artist, based in Munich, Germany.

My goal is to help you make your project, product or company stand out from the crowd, through a unique visual presence.

Designing logotypes and developing letter forms are two of my favourite tasks, which I pursue with utmost attention and a great love for detail. 

Let’s talk about your vision and wishes…

What I do

Ran Keren, Graphic Studio, München, logotype header graphic k80

A well-crafted logotype is a cornerstone of a strong brand identity, helping to build trust, loyalty, and ultimately, business success.

With over 13 years of experience, I design logos and logotypes with utmost precision, great attention to detail, and with your brand’s philosophy as my guideline. 

Ran Keren Graphic Studio lettering
Ran Keren, Graphic Studio, München, lettering header graphic k80

Lettering is a craft that blends artistry and typography, offering a unique and expressive way to communicate through written language.

By applying different styles of typography and calligraphy, I create hand drawn letters, lettering and graphic designs, customed to your brand’s needs. 

Ran Keren, Graphic Design, header k80

I look for the most suitable design that supports your brand’s identity. By combining photos, typography, lettering and the right colors, I ensure that your product has a powerful visual identity and that it has an enduring impression.

What my clients say

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My logo clients

Ran Keren Graphic Studio sketching

Let's talk and work ...

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